The Business of Independent Service Provider Contracting

Jeff Walczak

Jeff Walczak is the Founder and CEO of eTruckBiz. He spent 16 years at FedEx Ground holding many varied management positions. He then owned a small trucking company and spent 10 years in the Banking industry, mainly with Bank of America.

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Are FXG Contractors And ISP's Insane?

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 10/21/14 2:59 PM

How Can This Happen?

In over 20+ years of observation, I have continued to ask myself why, over much demonstrable triumph and success, do contractors and ISP's continue to make the same mistakes that plunge them back into crisis situations over and over again? 

Why is it so easy to forget the pain, suffering and cost of crisis management? 

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FXG Contractor And ISP Business Killer: Driver Recuitment

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 10/13/14 4:25 PM

Much has been written and said about what is probably the biggest contributor to problems and even failure of a FXG contractor or ISP operation.

Failure to get a system in place that provides you with a constant flow of driver applicants is likely to lead to many troubles, and possibly complete business failure. 

It is kind of like the weather, everybody talks about it, but nobody does anything about it.

Well now we are. Doing something about Driver Recruitment that is.

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Topics: Driver Recruiting

Does Your Business Fit In FedEx Ground's Future Plans?

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 10/6/14 8:22 AM

There has been a lot of talk lately. Most of the talk surrounds the adverse events that are leading to big changes at FedEx Ground, particularly in the relationship that the corporation has with its independent contractors and independent service providers.

What does all this mean for you?


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Topics: Business Planning, Business Outlook

Introducing A Dedicated Business Software For FedEx Ground Contractors

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 10/2/14 12:38 PM

So things are changing for FedEx Ground P&D and Linehaul contractors. Soon, it will no longer be the same old same old. You are becoming more responsible for administrative and other tasks that were handled for you in the past. Contractor's operations will be growing and the demands placed them are becoming more and more complex. Regulation and compliance issues continue their slow steady march forward.

However, there changes are creating tremendous opportunities.....

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Topics: Business Tools

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