The Business of Independent Service Provider Contracting

FedEx Q4 Earnings Call: Fast Summary for Contractors

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 6/25/24 4:32 PM

Today, FedEx announced its Q4 FY24 earnings, and we've quickly summarized the top-level points to keep you informed. Our goal is to provide you with immediate, actionable insights in real-time (Just like our API Connection with FedEx). This brief overview will be followed by detailed explanations, summaries, and advice in future blog posts and on our YouTube channel. Here’s a quick snapshot of the most critical updates. 
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Topics: ISP, contractor, Network 2.0, fedex ground contractors, fxg, time definite, transportation business, fdx, fec, eroute

FedEx Routing Software: Are Contractors Overpaying for Routing Apps?

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 5/30/24 7:20 AM

As CSPs are forced to manage their teams in new ways stemming from the demands of time-definite FedEx services, it is now obvious how important and powerful it is to have an easy, affordable and consistent way to ensure that drivers’ achieve 99%+ service. 

Great P&D operators always find a way to get their teams to work together toward a goal and move forward to make superior customer service happen. Unfortunately, driver-friendly applications that aid this process and are cost-effective are truly hard to come by. Many team leaders are struggling to find alternatives to their current routing applications, because what's needed now is something that focuses on the difficulties surrounding time definite deliveries.

Wouldn't it be great if there were something out there that helped with time definite deliveries and saved a lot of money?

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Topics: FedEx, Ground Cloud, Package Route, Network 2.0, fedex ground contractors, time definite, transportation business, fdx, fec, routing, routing solutions, routing app, eroute

Streamlining Payroll for FedEx Contractors: Using the Gross Pay Calculator

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 5/8/24 9:03 AM

In the complex and fast-paced world of logistics, where every penny counts and efficiency is king, eTruckBiz introduces a powerful tool that transforms how businesses manage their payroll—our Gross Pay Calculator. This sophisticated tool isn't just about crunching numbers; it's about offering strategic insights that drive profitability and operational excellence.

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Topics: FedEx, Payroll, fedex ground contractors, driver management, BOSS, gross pay calculator

FedEx Reinstates Policy: Pre-assignment Drug Screening & Random Tests Under 10,000 lbs Gross Vehicle Weight

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 5/3/24 12:20 PM

As of May 1, 2024, FedEx has reinstated pre-assignment controlled substance screenings for vehicles weighing less than 10,001 lbs., marking a significant policy shift after the COVID-related waiver period. This update now requires all service provider driver candidates submitted for operation of vehicles to undergo drug screenings.

As most of you reading this know, this will end up having a significant impact on your recruiting efforts and possibly affect your ability to retain some of your current drivers!

 Here’s what you need to know and how you can prepare for these changes:

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Topics: Driver Recruiting, FedEx, Network 2.0, fedex legal issues, fedex ground legal advice, driver management, transportation business

Ten Predictions For FedEx Contracting under Network 2.0

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 4/8/24 9:58 AM

Here we are, finally  on the eve of what will promise to be the really big visible push into Network 2.0 for CSPs.

Many things, mostly unseen, have been underway for years now. Some things, like the transition to the current ISP operating agreement, from the old legacy contract, have been going on for 8 or more years. By the way, make no mistake, it was this transition to the ISP agreement, which forced the relinquishment of proprietary interest in contractor work areas, that paved the way for Network 2.0 to become a reality.

So it could be said that the transition to Network 2.0 has really been in the works for more than 10 years now.

Let’s take a shot at predicting some of what promises to be many significant changes that Network 2.0 will bestow on CSPs as they adapt and survive into the new era:

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Topics: Business Outlook, Driver Recruiting, ISP Negotiation, Business, Network 2.0, Margins, low cost model, time definite, transportation business

Unveiling the Impact of Network 2.0 Integration Decisions On Your Company's Future

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 3/18/24 11:55 AM

While there is considerable talk about One FedEx, it seems there has been relatively little demonstratable action taken to get there. Many CSPs have been asking lately if we are aware of any progress being made as far as the implementation of Network 2.0 goes. 

First, we don’t have anything that’s not necessarily public knowledge. Having said this, we do however “speak FedEx” and can read the tea leaves to make some educated guesses concerning what types of changes may be in store.

In this post, we’ll share our highly requested opinions about a recent post on the contractor portal and what may be just around the corner for CSPs concerning their CSAs.

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Topics: FedEx, Contract, Merge, Network 2.0, transformation, CSP, time commit, Express, Integration, expressPRO, CSA

The Early Bird Definitely Catches The Time-Commit Worm

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 3/4/24 2:03 PM

Are you wondering what changes, if any, you’ll need to make to accommodate your business’s transition to Network 2.0? If so, it may already be time to start thinking about and even implementing some time definite strategies into your operation.

CSPs that have already taken the first steps into Network 2.0’s fast-paced world, will tell you that time management and situational awareness is more important than ever. The inclusion of Time-Definite stops has changed the way they view dispatching drivers and how the drivers handle each day’s workload. Building a time definite strategy now will help you take better control of your current operation and dictate how successful you’ll be during and after the actual integration.

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Topics: FedEx, fxg, time definite, transportation business, fdx, time commit, Express, expressPRO

Introducing Our New Time Definite Assurance Package: expressPRO

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 2/26/24 6:19 PM

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our newest product, expressPRO by eTruckBiz !

Nearly a year in development and with the feedback and lessons learned by those that already have ventured into the Express integration, you'll want to read the valuable information below and see what the buzz is all about. 

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Topics: FedEx, FedEx Ground, contractor, Network 2.0, definite, fedex ground contractors, fxg, CSP, time definite, fdx, time commit, Express, Integration

Streamlining Maintenance Records for FedEx Contractors

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 2/21/24 2:37 PM

In the dynamic world of logistics, managing maintenance records efficiently is paramount to ensuring fleet performance and regulatory compliance. With eTruckBiz's advanced systems and apps, mastering maintenance records has never been easier. Let's delve into how eTruckBiz empowers contractors to streamline maintenance management and optimize fleet operations:

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Topics: fedex ground contractors, fdx, MMR, Fleet Management

Navigating Culture Change: A Roadmap for CSP Success

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 2/14/24 10:52 AM

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Topics: FedEx, FedEx Ground, Contract, Network 2.0, fedex ground contractors, fxg, CSP, time definite, driver management, fdx

Embracing Change: How "On-Time" Service Requirements Are Evolving and Why It Matters to CSPs

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 2/4/24 2:18 PM

The FedEx network, under the transformative wave of Network 2.0, is poised for significant change. This overhaul will extend its influence to all facets of FedEx and, by extension, to the lives of its customers. Amidst this transformation, there's a vital element that must remain unwavering for the successful integration of Express services into the Ground network: the FedEx Brand.

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Topics: FedEx, FedEx Ground, Contract, Metrics, Costs, Network 2.0, fedex ground contractors, fxg, CSP, time definite

The Latest Advancements in FedEx Ground Routing

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 1/19/24 11:37 AM

In the dynamic world of logistics and delivery services, staying ahead with the latest technological advancements is crucial for success. This is especially true for FedEx Ground contractors, who constantly seek ways to enhance efficiency and streamline operations. In our latest Weekly Software Workshop, we explored the newest features and upcoming enhancements in FedEx Ground routing that are set to revolutionize the way contractors manage their businesses.

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Topics: FedEx Ground, Dynamic Route Optimization, fedex ground contractors, time definite, driver management, BOSS

Streamlining Operations: Mastering eTruckBiz’s Driver Management System

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 1/15/24 9:16 AM

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Topics: Business Tools, FedEx, ISP, FedEx Ground, Software, fxg, driver management, transportation business, BOSS

Embracing Change and Innovation - What to Expect from eTruckBiz in 2024

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 12/29/23 6:00 AM

As eTruckBiz wraps up its 12th year, we take a moment to reflect on the journey so far and the exciting path that lies ahead. It's been a time of significant challenges and changes, not just for us but for the entire FedEx Contractor community. Despite the turbulence caused by ongoing changes within FedEx and the broader economic landscape, we've navigated these waters with resilience and innovation.

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Topics: FedEx, Ground, ISP, FedEx Ground, Business, Contract, contractor, Profit, settlement, Cash flow, Network 2.0, Margins, fxg, CSP, time definite

Why is FedEx Making This So Hard? Advice for Frustrated Contractors.

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 12/20/23 11:34 AM

In our last blog post, we released a legal summary of the most recent lawsuit making the rounds in the transportation business industry. Our goal was to provide contractors with the facts  and a summary along with our best industry recommendations. Our advice is always based on past experience and what we believe is best for contractors, but ultimately we want to empower contractors to make their own choices based on their unique business situations.

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Topics: FedEx, Ground, ISP, FedEx Ground, Business, Contract, contractor, Profit, settlement, Cash flow, Costs, Network 2.0, Margins, time definate, low cost model, fxg, CSP

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