The Business of Independent Service Provider Contracting

A Contractor's Guide To The ISP Negotiation Process

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 12/14/15 10:15 PM

The time has come to look at the ISP Negotiation process from the contractor perspective. 

First, let's go ahead and call it what it is: David v. Goliath, FBS vs. FCS, Large Cap vs. Small Cap. It's the tremendous resources of FXG vs. those of an individual contractor. I think we can all agree that from the ability to influence, FXG holds the cards.

But that doesn't mean, a contractor cannot conduct a meaningful, and even successful negotiation. It just means that in order to do so, the contractor needs to do some homework, and find some very special tools and help.

Well, now, finally, the tools, and help exist...

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Topics: Business Structure, Business Tools, ISP Negotiation, FedEx

Brilliant! Bookkeeping and Payroll To Make Life Easier and Smarter ISP Negotiation Possible

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 11/22/15 10:31 AM

Finally, it has arrived!

By overwhelming demand, we are introducing a new set of services from the highly experienced folks here at eTruckBiz, that will without question, make your life and business easier to manage, while producing information you need to conduct a more meaningful ISP negotiation.

We can now take some of the most burdensome chores out of your busy hands, so your can MANAGE your business,  instead of spending hour after hour doing "busy-work". 

Our new services produce not only the usual information you need for accounting and taxes, but turn this data into contractor-specific information that you'll use to get new, powerful insight into your FXG business.

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Topics: Business Tools, FedEx, Bookeeping, Payroll

A Game-Changing Way To Acquire Driver Leads

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 10/4/15 10:39 AM

One of the most difficult and tedious tasks that an FXG CSP faces, is the continuous burden of finding new drivers.

In order to find new drivers, you first must have a solid way of sourcing new potential driver leads

This can't be that hard...right?


How do you find them? Where do you find them? What do you do if you find them? How can you screen through them to get some good candidates, without it taking too much time and effort? Can you organize the ones I have so that you can find them and work on them when you need to? Can you email the good ones an application?

We've created a revolutionary new tool to make it easy to do all of this.

See how ...

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Topics: Business Tools

6 Reasons Why Every FedEx Ground Contractor Needs To Be Tracking Driver Productivity

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 8/22/15 12:20 PM

Currently, I'm traveling the country, meeting with as many of you as I can.

While doing so, something is becoming very apparent. There is something at the core of running your business that is not being monitored. Something so basic and critical to your business' health, that you would think that it would be the one metric that is, for sure, being watched.

Shockingly, this is not the case. In fact, most folks do not have a clue.

There are many people that ask me how eTruckBiz For FXG can save them money. There are a multitude of ways, but one of the biggest, is how we monitor and track this one business metric, on your behalf, with no effort on your part. 

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Topics: Business Tools

Why Does FXG Want Certification That CSP's Are Tracking Hours Worked?

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 1/17/15 7:00 PM

In case you haven't noticed yet, there will be a new compliance question that you are going to be asked to answer in your Annual Compliance Certification (ACC) this year. 

On the surface it appears harmless, but FXG thought it important enough to include in the certification process, and, may have even delayed this year's process to facilitate its inclusion.

There is a lot of speculation, but there is a reason why you should not take this lightly....

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Topics: Business Tools, Documentation, Law, Compliance, Timekeeping

Introducing A Dedicated Business Software For FedEx Ground Contractors

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 10/2/14 12:38 PM

So things are changing for FedEx Ground P&D and Linehaul contractors. Soon, it will no longer be the same old same old. You are becoming more responsible for administrative and other tasks that were handled for you in the past. Contractor's operations will be growing and the demands placed them are becoming more and more complex. Regulation and compliance issues continue their slow steady march forward.

However, there changes are creating tremendous opportunities.....

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Topics: Business Tools

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