The Business of Independent Service Provider Contracting

Maximizing Peak Season Success: A Deep Dive into Schedule K for FedEx Contractors

Posted by Jeff Walczak on 9/9/24 1:23 PM

Maximizing Peak Season Success: A Deep Dive into Schedule K

Schedule K plays a crucial role in setting contractors up for success during the upcoming peak season. With delivery volumes surging and operational pressure increasing, understanding Schedule K is more important than ever for service providers. Whether you’re considering opting into Schedule K for the first time or evaluating how to approach it more efficiently this year, this blog will guide you through the essentials.

What is Schedule K?

Schedule K is a strategic offer from FedEx aimed at helping contractors manage the increased demand during peak season by providing additional financial incentives. By opting in, contractors agree to increase their service capacity, in return for fixed weekly payments and additional surge stop charges when their stop thresholds are exceeded during peak periods.

Key benefits of Schedule K:

  • Fixed Weekly Payments: Advance weekly (“fixed”) payments of the Peak Service Charge begin Sept. 7 if Schedule K is accepted by Friday, Sept. 13, and are paid over ten weeks.
  • Surge Stop Charges: From November 16, 2024, through January 3, 2025, contractors receive additional payments for every stop made above their weekly threshold. This bonus compensates for the extra effort required to handle the surge in volume.

Schedule K

Why Opt-In?

For most contractors, the financial benefits of Schedule K make it worth considering, particularly if you already have unused capacity. If your team can handle the additional workload, the extra revenue could significantly boost your profitability during peak season.

However, you must carefully consider whether your operation can handle the added demand without sacrificing productivity. While the extra payments are enticing, taking on too much capacity without sufficient preparation can lead to inefficiencies, which can erode the profitability of the additional revenue.

Pros of Opting Into Schedule K:

  1. Guaranteed Weekly Payments: The fixed payments ensure you have steady cash flow during peak season, allowing you to plan and budget more effectively.
  2. Increased Earnings Potential: Surge stop charges add a financial cushion during periods of high demand, especially if your team is already exceeding stop thresholds.
  3. Operational Flexibility: If you already have unused capacity (e.g., vehicles, drivers), Schedule K allows you to put that capacity to work and earn additional revenue without significant upfront investment.

Cons of Opting Into Schedule K:

  1. Strain on Resources: If your current team is already stretched thin, adding more volume could overwhelm your operation, leading to missed stops or reduced productivity.
  2. Decreased Efficiency: As highlighted in the webinar, taking on too much additional capacity can reduce your stops per dispatch, cutting into the profitability of each route. For example, dispatching a truck with half the capacity (e.g., 50 stops instead of 100) could result in higher operational costs without sufficient revenue to cover them.
  3. Uncertainty of Volume: While Schedule K offers financial incentives, it’s important to consider the risk of underutilizing the additional capacity if the volume doesn’t materialize as expected. Overestimating demand could leave you with excess costs and underutilized resources.

Insider Tips for Maximizing Schedule K

  1. Evaluate Your Current Capacity: Before committing to Schedule K, take stock of your existing resources. Using existing, unused capacity is critical. Adding extra capacity without fully utilizing what you already have can lead to inefficiencies and unnecessary costs.
  2. Know Your EZ Number: Your EZ number, calculated via the eTruckBiz system, is a crucial metric that tells you how many stops per dispatch you need to hit to stay profitable. Monitoring this number regularly is essential during peak season to ensure you’re not dispatching underutilized trucks.
  3. Recruitment is Key: If you plan to accept Schedule K, now is the time to ramp up your recruitment efforts. Having a strong pipeline of qualified drivers is essential for meeting the increased demand. Contractors who are behind on recruiting by the September 13th deadline may struggle to handle the added volume effectively.
  4. Focus on Efficiency, Not Just Volume: While the prospect of more stops can be exciting, maintaining high productivity is key to profitability. Inefficient dispatches can quickly erode the extra revenue earned from surge stop charges. Ensure your drivers are trained in the most efficient delivery methods to keep your operations running smoothly.
  5. Plan for the Shortened Peak: This year’s peak season is condensed, with Thanksgiving falling late in November, meaning the window for handling holiday orders is tighter. Expect more intense volume over a shorter period. Start preparing now to avoid being caught off guard by the accelerated pace.

Action Items for Contractors:

  1. Assess Your Capacity: Review your current operational capabilities. If you have unused capacity, make a plan to utilize it before adding more. Evaluate your vehicle fleet and drivers to ensure you’re prepared to handle additional stops efficiently.
  2. Track Your EZ Number: If you haven’t already, log into the eTruckBiz system and make sure you know your EZ number. This will give you a clear idea of how many stops you need to maintain profitability. If your current number is below your goal, start focusing on increasing productivity before peak hits.
  3. Ramp Up Recruitment: Start recruiting drivers now if you haven’t already. Peak season success depends on having a well-trained, efficient team in place. You don’t want to be scrambling for drivers once volume picks up.
  4. Evaluate Your Bonus Structure: If you plan to offer bonuses to incentivize drivers to work longer hours or more days, ensure your financial model can support it. Overpromising on bonuses can quickly eat into your profits.
  5. Join Peak Planning Meetings: Attend your peak planning meetings and discuss the terms of your Schedule K offer with your station manager. Make sure you fully understand the expectations and responsibilities that come with opting in, including what is considered "reasonable proximity" for additional stops.

Is Schedule K Right for You?

Schedule K presents a valuable opportunity for contractors to boost their earnings during peak season, but it’s not without its risks. To make the most of it, contractors must carefully evaluate their current capacity, ramp up recruitment, and focus on efficiency. By staying prepared and maintaining a close eye on productivity, you can set your business up for success during this crucial time.

As always, the eTruckBiz team is here to help. If you have any questions about Schedule K or need assistance with optimizing your operation, don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s work together to make this peak season your most successful yet!

Topics: Business Planning, FedEx Ground, Financial, fedex ground contractors, transportation business, fec, peak, schedule K

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